Arman Akbarian

# This document explains decelration 
# of new variables/arrays and 
# simple operators/controls in
# Perl
# AAK: Last modification:
# Tue Sep 11 21:51:16 PDT 2012
# #####################################

#this is how you define new variables, all variables have $ in front
#both when declared or used:
$stringvar = "Hello World";
$intnum = 3;
$realnum = -3.42e-5;
# \n is the new line character
print $stringvar, ".\n";
#Perl realizes which type of variable you are using

##### Strings: ##########
#single quotation is more restricted than double quotation:
print 'it\'s cool to be able to write apostrophe', "\n";
# . is an operator that adds two strings together:
print 'even cooler is writing backslash : \\' . "\n";
print 'first line without endline.';
print ' new line, you see!' . "\n";
print "tab \t \t is also cool. \n";
print "look you can even type double quote: \" \n";
print "\Uthis is gonna change to upper case \E . end of upper case \n";

#perl accepts + - / * **(power) arithmetic operators
print '3 + 5 = ', 3 + 5, "\n";
$str2 = "!";
#Adding strings using '.' operator:
$str3 = $stringvar . $str2;
print $str3, "\n";
print $nosuchvardefined , "\n";
print "in previous line there was no such variabled defined, so it print nothing \n";
#you can multiply a string by an integer
print "three copy of : ", $str3 x 3 , "\n";
print "perl takes care of conversion between number and string \n";
print "for example: ", $stringvar . $intnum, "works \n";
print "as well as: ", "5 x 3 = ", "5" * 3, "\n";
#guess what this one does?
$intnum += 5;
print "new intnum is: ", $intnum, "\n";
print "Oh! I forgot about commenting in perl \n"; #this is a comment!
$what = "dish";
print "there are five $whates on the table \n";
#it didn't work! we need to somehow isolate 
#the name of the variable from the strings around
#{} isolates the name of variable:
print "there are five ${what}es on the table \n";
print " 2 ^ 10 = ", 2**10, "\n";
print " 2 ^ 0.7 = " , 2**0.7, "\n";
#comparison and if statement:
if ( 5 > 3.23e-1 ) {
print "this is example of if statement \n";
#perl compares strings using ASCII ordering:
if ( 'bad' lt 'good' ) {
print "you can also compare strings using gt ne lt le ge \n";
# gt = greater than | le = less equal and so on...!
#perl accepts < > <= >= != == as comparison operators:
$logicalvar = (2 != 2);
if ($logicalvar) { print "this is not gonna be printed \n"}
if (whatever) {print "any non empty string is considerd as true \n";}
if (3.42) {print "any nonzero number is considered as true \n";}
if (5) {
   print "example of nested if \n";
  if (0) {print "this is not gonna be printed";}
# '!' is the not operator
if ( !(2 > 3) ) {print " ! means not operator \n";}
print "should we keep going (y/n)? \n";
#perl can read from standard input using:
$swkg = <STDIN>;
print "your answer was: $swkg";
print "did you noticed the newline in swkg variable?\n";
print "OK lets get rid of that new line character other wise the following is not gonna work.\n";
#chomp gets rid of end of line character \n
print "your answer without newline is:  $swkg"  . "chomp worked! \n";
#perl accepts OR logical operator by ||:
if ( ($swkg eq 'y') || ($swkg eq 'n') )
   if ( $swkg eq 'y')
       print "Ok lets keep going!\n";
      print "exiting...\n";
      exit 0; #exits the program with status 0

   print "You OK man? \n";
   print "BTW: it was a example of \"or\" operator \n";
$count = 1;
# while loop is as following:
while ($count <= 10) {
   print "count is now $count \n";
   $count += 1;
print "perl handles undefined variables like this: ", $undefintvar * 5, "\n";
print "and like this: ", $undefintvar . "something", "\n";
# *= is similar to +=, but multiplies the left side by the right side
# and puts the value on left side variable:
while ($n <= 9) {
   $facn *= $n;
   $n += 1;
print "9! = ", $facn, "\n";
print "give me sth: \n";
$inp = <STDIN>;
if ( defined($inp) ){
   print "useful for end of file detection \n";
   #at the end of file, $inp will be undef, not an empty string.
# Defining arrays in Perl:
# ##############################################################
$nl = "\n";
$r[0] = "Hello";
$r[1] = 1.24e-87;
# $r[i] refers to the i'th element of r
($fa, $fb) = ("Hello", 2.3e3);
print $fa, $fb, $nl;
($fa, $fb) = ($fb, $fa);
print "swapping two variables:", ($fa, $fb), $nl;
@lff = ("apple ", "orange ", "strawberry ");
# @lff refers to entire array
print $lff[0], $lff[1] , $lff[2], $nl;
@lff2 = qw( apple orange strawberry );
print @lff2, $nl ;
#notice what qw did? 
#you don't need to type all the " and ,
#if you use qw

#defining new array with extending the previously
#defined array:
@lff3 = (@lff, "melon");
print $lff3[3], $nl;
# .. is the range operator:
@lofn = 1..10; #lofn gets all the values: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
print @lofn, $nl;
$x[0] = 0;
$x[1] = 1;
$x[20] = 20;
print @x, $nl;
#value of 8th element is undef
$udfv = $x[8];
print $udfv, $nl; #it will print an empty line
print "length of x is = ", $#x, $nl;
@nr1 = 5..9;
#pop truncate the last element (say x) of an array and returns x:
$nrw = pop (@nr1 );
print $nrw, $nl;
print @nr1, $nl ;
#if list is empty pop returns undef
#push adds an element:
push (@nr1, 0);
print @nr1, $nl;
push (@nr1, 100..114);
print @nr1, $nl;
#shift and unshift does exactly what pop and push does but 
#for the begining of the array
print shift(@nr1), $nl;
print shift(@nr1), $nl;
unshift(@nr1, "NEITB ");
print $nr1[0], $nl;
#array can be converted into strings using double quotation
#after conversion , there is a space between elements.
#which makes it nice!!

print "@nr1", $nl;

#do loop:
foreach $i (1..10) {
print "i = $i", $nl;

foreach $j (@lff2) {
print $j, $nl;


foreach (1..10) { #perls default for loop control variable is '$_'
$fcl *= $_;
print "10 ! = $fcl \n";
@lst = (1..10);

#reverse returns the list in opposite order
@lst2 = reverse(@lst);
print "@lst2 \n";
#note that reverse doesn't affect the array, but returns it in reverse.

#using sort you can sort the array
@lst3s = sort(@lst3);
print "@lst3s \n";
#sort can also sort the strings using ASCII ordering standards

#note that in perl @sth can return the number of elemnts depending on the contect:

print 45 + @lst3s, $nl;
#will return 45 + number of elements in lst3s

#in perl depending on the context, different things can happen:

$df = something; #considers it as a variable
@ps = something ; #considers something as an array/list
($ws, $yt) = something ; #returns list content, therefore nothing assigned for $yt
print $ws, $yt, $nl;

#defining an empty one element array  (undef) is as following:

@plsj = ();

#there is a way to force perl to interpret the list context as scalar:
#look at the output for the difference: 
print "lff has ", @lff, " fruits in it \n";
print "lff has ", scalar (@lff), " fruits in it \n";

# STDIN can also be affected by context:

print "Start writing, when finished type Ctrl + D \n";
@lines = <STDIN>; #reads standard input into list
#it will read each line into one element
#to stop it you need to use EOF control if reading from standard input (Ctrl + D)
#in linux, if reading is from file (by redirection operator <)
#then it will read till end of file
print "*****This is what you typed:***************\n";
print @lines;
print "*****End*********\n";
#you can get rid of new line character at the end of lines by chomping them:
#chomp if operated on the list, will chomp the end of line character from all the elements:
chomp (@lines);
print "@lines \n";

last update: Wed May 11, 2016