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1.6 Conventions

We use distinctive fonts for class_names and function_names() When we wish to refer to a function name or algorithm name but not draw attention to the arguments, we will follow the function name with an empty pair of parentheses. We do this even when the actual function invocation requires additional arguments. We have used the term algorithm to refer to the functions in the generic algorithms portion of the standard library, so as to avoid confusion with member functions, argument functions, and functions defined by the programmer. Note that both class names and function names in the standard library follow the convention of using an underline character as a separator. Throughout the text, examples and file names are printed in the same courier font used for function names.

In the text, it is common to omit printing the class name in the distinctive font after it has been introduced. This is intended to make the appearance of the text less visually disruptive. However, we return to the distinctive font to make a distinction between several different possibilities, as for example between the classes vector and list used as containers in constructing a stack.

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