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Utility Operators


Operators for the C++ Standard Template Library

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <utility>

namespace rel_ops {

template <class T>
bool operator!= (const T&, const T&);

template <class T>
 bool operator> (const T&, const T&);

template <class T>
 bool operator<= (const T&, const T&);

template <class T>
 bool operator>= (const T&, const T&);


To avoid redundant definitions of operator!= out of operator== and of operators >, <=, and >= out of operator<, the library provides these definitions:

    operator!= returns !(x==y),
    operator>  returns y<x,
    operator<= returns !(y<x), and
    operator>= returns !(x<y).

To avoid clashes with other global operators these definitions are contained in the namespace rel_ops. To use them either scope explicitly or provide a using declaration (e.g., using_namespace_rel_ops).

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