Physics 387N: Relativity Theory II: Course News

Tuesday, February 17, 11:45 pm

Each group now has a Web home page, physically located at
and having a Web address[12345]
(where [12345] means one of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). These pages are accessible via the Group Pages link on the course home page. Use your group's public_html directory for material which is to be published on the Web, starting with Project 2. Note that in order to make such material world-readable, the system administrator has restored the permissions on all group home directories to make them world readable. For groups which had previously hidden their home directories, all sub-directories have been so hidden.

Please do not change the permissions on your group home directory.

Tuesday, February 17, 11:45 pm

The handout for the first part of Project 2 is now available.