Physics 410 Tutorial 5 - Solving a BVP with Shooting

Table of Contents


1 Introduction

In this tutorial we revisit the quantum mechanics problem discussed in class. Recall that the ODE system that we need to solve is \[ \frac{du}{dx}=w \] \[ \frac{dw}{dx} = (-1 - E)u \] with initial conditions \[ u(0) = 0 \] \[ \frac{du}{dx}(0) = 1 \] We then need to adjust \( E \) so that \[ \lim_{x\to\infty} u(x) = 0 \]

Download the script file deut.m and function file fcn_deut.m


  1. deut.m
  2. fcn_deut.m

The energy eigenvalue for the case \( x_0 = 2\) (the case coded in deut.m) satisfies \[ -0.11 \le E \le -0.10 \]


Using bisection, repeatedly modify deut.m and run it until you have found a value for \( E \) accurate to about 6 decimal digits.

2 Normalizing the waveform

Recall that we have \[ u = r \psi \] and that the normalization on \( \psi \) is \[ \int \psi \psi^* dV = \int r^2 \psi \psi^* dr = 1 \] so, in terms of \( u \) (which is real) \[ \int u^2 dr = 1 \] Let us assume that we have adopted units so that \( x = r \). Then we also have \[ \int u^2 dx = 1 \] Now, let \( \bar u \) be a properly normalized wave function. If we compute the integral \[ N = \int_{0}^{x_{\rm max}} u^2 dx \] where \( u \) is unnormalized, then we can normalize using \[ \bar u = \frac{u}{\sqrt{N}} \] One approach to normalizing \( u \) is based on the observation that the above integral normalization condition can be recast as the differential equation \[ \frac{dI}{dx} = u^2 \] with the initial condition \[ I(0) = 0 \] Then \[ N = I(x_{\rm max}) \] EXERCISE

Modify deut.m and fcn_deut.m to include the normalization ODE to normalize the wavefunction after an integration.

Can you see any flaw in this implementation of normalization?

3 Incorporating automatic bisection in deut.m


As the section heading states, incorporate automatic bisection in deut.m so that given an initial bracket \[ E_{\rm LO} \le E \le E_{\rm HI} \] the script automatically determines the eigenvalue \( E \) to some specified tolerance.

Use your script to find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for several values of \( x_0 \).