Physics 410 Tutorial 8 - Solving the 1d wave equation with finite differences

Table of Contents


1 Solution from previous tutorial

1.1 The 1d diffusion equation

We are solving

\[ u_t(x,t) = u_{xx} \] (unit diffusion constant) on \[ 0 \le x \le 1 \quad\quad t \ge 0 \] subject to \[ u(x,0) = u_0(x) \] and \[ u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 0 \]

Using initial data \[ u_0(x) = \sin(2\pi x) \] the exact solution is \[ u(x,t) = e^{-4\pi^2t}\sin(2\pi x) \]

1.2 The Crank-Nicolson scheme

The Crank-Nicolson FDA is

\[ \frac{u^{n+1}_j - u^n_j}{\Delta t} = \frac 12 \left( \frac{u^{n+1}_{j+1}-2u^{n+1}_j+u^{n+1}_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{u^{n}_{j+1}-2u^{n}_j+u^{n}_{j-1}}{\Delta x^2} \right), \quad\quad j = 2,3,\ldots n_x -1 \] \[ u^{n+1}_1 = u^{n+1}_{n_x} = 0 \]

This can be written in the form \[ c_+ u^{n+1}_{j+1} + c_0 u^{n+1}_j + c_- u^{n+1}_{j-1} = f_j \] where \[ c_+ = -\frac{1}{2\Delta x^2} \] \[ c_0 = \frac{1}{\Delta t} + \frac{1}{\Delta x^2} \] \[ c_- = -\frac{1}{2\Delta x^2} = c_+ \]

My implementation of the solution as the function diff_1d_cn is as follows:

function [x t u] = diff_1d_cn(tmax, level, dtbydx, ...
                               omega, x0, delta, idtype, trace)
% diff_1d_imp: Solves 1D diffusion equation using O(dt^2,dx^2) Crank-Nicolson
% implicit scheme. Diffusion constant, sigma = 1.
%  Inputs
%        tmax:    Maximum integration time.
%        level:   Spatial discretization level.
%        dtbydx:  Ratio of spatial and temporal mesh spacings.
%        omega:   Initial data parameter (sinusoidal data).
%        x0:      Initial data parameter (Gaussian data).
%        delta:   Initial data parameter (Gaussian data).
%        idtype:  Selects initial data type.
%        trace:   Controls tracing output.
%  Outputs
%        x:       Discrete spatial coordinates.
%        t:       Discrete temporal coordinates.
%        u:       Computed solution.

   % Define mesh and derived parameters ...
   nx = 2^level + 1;
   x = linspace(0.0, 1.0, nx);
   dx = x(2) - x(1);
   dt = dtbydx * dx;
   nt = round(tmax / dt) + 1;
   t = [0 : nt-1] * dt;

   if nargin < 8
      trace = 0;
   if trace
      trace = max((nt - 1) / 32, 1);

   % Initialize solution, and set initial data ...
   u = zeros(nt, nx);
   if idtype == 0
      u(1, :) = sin(omega * x);
   elseif idtype == 1
      u(1, :) = exp(-((x - x0) ./ delta) .^ 2);
      fprintf('diff_1d_cn: Invalid idtype=%d\n', idtype);

   % Initialize storage for sparse matrix and RHS ...
   dl = zeros(nx,1);
   d  = zeros(nx,1);
   du = zeros(nx,1);
   f  = zeros(nx,1);

   % Set up tridiagonal system ...
   dl = -0.5 / dx^2 * ones(nx, 1);
   d  = (1.0 / dt + 1.0 / dx^2) * ones(nx,1);
   du = dl;
   % Fix up boundary cases ...
   d(1) = 1.0;
   du(2) = 0.0;
   dl(nx-1) = 0.0;
   d(nx) = 1.0;
   % Define sparse matrix ...
   A = spdiags([dl d du], -1:1, nx, nx);

   % Compute solution using CN scheme ...
   for n = 1 : nt-1
      % Define RHS of linear system ...
      f(2:nx-1) = u(n, 2:nx-1) / dt + 0.5 * ( ...
         u(n, 1:nx-2) - 2 * u(n, 2:nx-1) + u(n, 3:nx)) / dx^2;
      f(1) = 0.0;
      f(nx) = 0.0;
      % Solve system, thus updating approximation to next time 
      % step ...
      u(n+1, :) = A \ f;

      if trace && ~mod(n,trace)
         fprintf('diff_1d_cn: Step %d of %d\n', n, nt);

Here is a script tdiff_1d_cn that, among other things, computes the solution error norms as a function of discretization level.

% tdiff_1d_cn.m: Driver for diff_1d_cn ... Solution of 1d diffusion
% equation using O(dt^2, dx^2) implicit Crank-Nicolson scheme.
more off;

format long;

% idtype = 0   ->  sine initial data (exact solution known)
% idtype = 1   ->  gaussian initial data 

idtype = 0 

tmax = 0.2
x0 = 0.5
delta = 0.05
omega = 2 * pi

minlevel = 6
maxlevel = 9

olevel = 6
ofreq  = 1

dtbydx = 0.1

% Enable for MATLAB surface plots. 
plotit = 1
if plotit
   close all

% Perform computation at various levels of discretization, store
% results in cell arrays ...
for l = minlevel : maxlevel
   tstart = tic;
   % Compute the solution  ...
   [x{l}, t{l}, u{l}] = diff_1d_cn(tmax, l, dtbydx, omega, ...
                                    x0, delta, idtype, 0);
   telapsed = toc(tstart)
   [nt{l}, nx{l}] = size(u{l});
   stride{l} = ofreq * 2^(l - olevel);

   % If possible, compute exact solution ...
   if idtype == 0
      uxct{l} = zeros(nt{l}, nx{l});
      for n = 1 : nt{l}
         uxct{l}(n,:) = exp(-omega^2 * t{l}(n)) * sin(omega * x{l});

   if plotit
      for it = 1 : nt{l}
         xlim([0, 1]);
         ylim([-1, 1]);
      surf(x{l}, t{l}(1:stride{l}:end), u{l}(1:stride{l}:end, :));
   % If possible, compute and output error norm ...
   if idtype == 0
      uerr = u{l} - uxct{l};
      fprintf('Level: %d  ||error||: %25.16e\n', ...
         l, sqrt(sum(sum((uerr .* uerr))) / prod(size(uerr))));

Partial output from the script is:

Level: 6  ||error||:    6.0516904501925616e-05

telapsed =


Level: 7  ||error||:    1.5205493653807096e-05

telapsed =


Level: 8  ||error||:    3.8117334990173340e-06

telapsed =


Level: 9  ||error||:    9.5428113131619461e-07

from which it can be seen that the error norms are going down by very nearly a factor of 4 for each halving of the mesh spacings, indicating \( O(\Delta t^2, \Delta x^2) = O(h^2) \) convergence.

2 The wave equation

We now want to consider

\[ u_{tt} = u_{xx} \] on \[ 0 \le x \le 1 \quad\quad t \ge 0 \] subject to \[ u(x,0) = u_0(x) \] \[ u_t(x,0) = v_0(x) \] \[ u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 0 \] The FDA we discussed in class is (in the form appropriate for numerical solution): \[ u^{n+1}_j = 2u^n_j - u^{n-1}_j + \lambda^2 \left( u^n_{j+1} - 2 u^n_j + u^n_{j-1}\right) \quad\quad j = 2, 3, \ldots n_x - 1 \quad\quad n = 2, 3, \ldots \] \[ u^{n+1}_1 = u^{n+1}_{n_x} = 0 \] where \[ \lambda = \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x} \] Let us consider the specific initial data \[ u_0(x; x_0, \delta) = e^{-((x-x_0)/\delta)^2} \] \[ v_0(x) = 0 \] which is so-called time symmetric initial data due to the vanishing of \(v_0\). The initialization of the FDA is then: \[ u^1_j = u_0(x_j; x_0,\delta) \] \[ u^2_j = u^1_j + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t^2 (u''_0)_j \] When implementing the last expression, you should use the usual \( O(h^2) \) approximation of the second derivative to evaluate \( u''_0 \) rather than computing it analytically (simply since it's arguably more straightforward and sufficiently accurate).


Write a MATLAB function, wave_1d, with header and function arguments as follows

function [x t u] = wave_1d(tmax, level, lambda, x0, delta)
% wave_1d: Solves 1d wave equation using O(dt^2,dx^2) explicit scheme.
%  Inputs
%        tmax:    Maximum integration time.
%        level:   Spatial discretization level.
%        lambda:  Ratio of spatial and temporal mesh spacings.
%        x0:      Initial data parameter (Gaussian data).
%        delta:   Initial data parameter (Gaussian data).
%  Outputs
%        x:       Discrete spatial coordinates.
%        t:       Discrete temporal coordinates.
%        u:       Computed solution.

wave_1d is to solve the FDA described above. You may find it useful to use the code for diff_1d_cn as a template.


  1. diff_1d_cn.m

In addition to wave_1d, write a driver script twave_1d which calls wave_1d with appropriate parameters and makes plots of the solution (loop over the time coordinate) if plotting is enabled.

To start, I suggest that you experiment with the following parameter settings:

Now try a run with

What do you observe?

If you have time, convergence test your implementation by augmenting your script (or writing a new one) so that it

  1. Generates a sequence of solutions by iterating betweeb minimum and maximum levels, calling wave_1d and saving the results.
  2. Performs pairwise subtractions of solutions on adjacent levels (by appropriately coarsening the finer solution)
  3. Computes the \(l_2\)-norm of the solution differences

What can you say about the convergence of your solutions?

You may find it useful to refer to the script tdiff_1d_cn for ideas about how to implement the driver script.


  1. tdiff_1d_cn.m