Saturday November 17 This is another fairly lengthy but important announcement, so please read it carefully. After a good deal of thought on the matter, I have decided to cancel the "presentation of final term projects" component of the course. The presentations were to have been held during the final week of classes, i.e. on Nov 27 and Nov 29. My chief rationale for this change is that I get the sense that many if not most of you could better use the time to put more work into the projects themselves than to prepare and present a talk. In terms of the overall goals of this course, although gaining experience with presentations is important, I would certainly rather see projects advanced further that they might otherwise be. In terms of impact on your final mark, the grading scheme will be modified so that everyone gets a full 5/5 for the marks allocated for the presentation. This will ensure that your grade will only go up relative to what it would have been had we maintained the talks. For maximum fairness, any of you who have begun work on final presentations should IMMEDIATELY cease work on it and IMMEDIATELY e-mail me (not Arman) a PDF copy of what you have. I will then take your extra effort into consideration in grading your project per se. IMPORTANT: Please send me your presentation ONLY if you truly have put work into its preparation; i.e. it must be significantly different than what you presented as a proposal the week of Oct 22. In addition, I have extended the due date for project submission (including your writeup) to Monday, December 3, 11:59 PM This will give you an extra weekend to finish things up as needed. Finally note that the lab hours on the 27th and 29th will be the same as they were last week (and will be this week), i.e. regular hours, plus 12:30-1:30 on Tue for the first section (L1A) and 12:30-1:30 on Thu for the second (L1B). So, to summarize: you will not have to prepare and present talks on your projects, and the deadline for project submission has been extended to midnight on Dec 3.