------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYS210 UNIX 1 LAB SUMMARY Introduction to Computer Lab, Ubuntu, account configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TA Introductions 2. Those who don't have accounts should self-register IMMEDIATELY in room 203 using the computer with the "REGISTER HERE" signs on it. 3. Find a workstation and login ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION TO UBUNTU / UNITY DESKTOP MANAGER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: RM/LM/MM = Right/Left/Middle Mouse click respectively - Online documentation available at https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/unity-introduction.html Exploring the desktop Top bar Right side (mostly irrelevant) for our purposes, except for gear icon, LM, select "Log Out..." to end session (can explore other system Settings on your own) IMPORTANT!! Always be sure to logout of your computer when you leave the lab. Do NOT lock the screen unless you are going to be gone for just a few minutes (e.g. to the washroom) Left side --- Launcher, always displayed by default, can be changed in "Gear" -> System Setttings -> - LM to launch application - Top window bar has close, iconify, full screen buttons Window "focus" - "Active" window/application is selected by LM (click-to-focus), should be familiar to most/all of you from windows - Can also use RM, but this will bring up menu as well Unity home button special --- LM reveals panel called "Dash" which contains application icons, and which can be searched for other apps - Find "text editor" (gedit) by typing "text" into search box Drag and drop application (gedit) to launcher, can be removed from launcher, via Unlock from launcher", will then re-appear in Dash Top bar again - When application has mouse focus (click in window to get focus, can use either mouse button, but RM will also bring up menu), positioning mouse in top bar will cause pull down menus associated with application to appear Terminal (shell window) - First instance, Launcher -> left click on Terminal window - Second -right click in window, "Open Window" - Launcher -> Right Click -> New Terminal - Open a terminal window, type the following commands (do not type the '%', it represents the prompt you will see) % pwd % ls % ls -a % date Note the output from each command ... will discuss these and other commands in future labs/lectures - History mechanism: scroll back/forward through command history using up/down arrows, can also edit recalled commands - Mouse cut, paste features - hold left mouse down and sweep: copies swept text - middle mouse: paste - double click left mouse: selects/copies word - triple click left mouse: selects line - These features *may* also work in other applications - Leave the terminal window open for the time being Text editors - Text Editor (gedit) - emacs (emacs23) - TEA Text Editor ? - Start gedit from the launcher - Type your name into 'Untitled Document 1' - Click 'Save' on the menu bar, should see 'Save As' dialog, select folder with same name as your account name (a.k.a. login name or user name), type 'myname' (literally) into the 'Name' field, then click 'Save' on the dialog box, then exit gedit via the top bar "File -> Close". - Go to the terminal window and execute % ls Should "see" the file 'myname' - Click on the orange folder on the launcher bar ("home" folder/directory), should see file 'myname', click on file ... What happens? Configuring window behaviour (focus follows mouse, auto-raise etc.) - Other desktop environments on Linux (KDE e.g.) have many more features, Unity philosophy is to keep things fast, simple and uniform, so customizations, such as those mentioned above are minimal ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANDATORY EXERCISE: Important!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Open a terminal window 2) In the window type the following % ~phys210/bin/setup 3) You should see output like this -rw-r--r-- 1 phys210t public 0 2012-08-23 13:40 /phys210/Accounts/phys210t but where 'phys210t' has been replaced with your user name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF MANDATORY EXERCISE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Browsers - Chrome (fast) - Firefox - Seamonkey (like Firefox), has integrated web authoring tool, Composer, which you may find useful - Whichever browser you choose to use, I recommend that you bookmark the course home page http://laplace.physics.ubc.ca/210/ for ease of access to course notes, lab exercises etc. - Also, in order for the "typewriter"-style font to appear the same size as the regular text font (in the Unix/Linux notes e.g., it may be necessary to adjust settings/preferences (depends on browser, ask if you need help) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER THINGS TO TRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Customization of terminal setttings - From a terminal window, RM -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences - Can change font, font-sizes, terminal size (columns/rows), colours, etc. - Can also create new profiles other than 'Default' - Changing background - RM in background - LM on Appearance Settings - Wallpaper - Type > Color - LM on Color - Choose Color with any mouse or via HSV / RGB setings - OK - Apply - OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONS? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE for WINDOWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PuTTY (or other ssh-clients): provides ability to open a terminal window to a remote machine, such as hyper.phas.ubc.ca 2. Xming (for X11 support): allows X-applications running on remote machine to be displated on your Windows session See http://bh0.phas.ubc.ca/210/Software.html for information