Physics 410 Fall 2005: Computational Physics: Student Project Highlights

One of the absolutely best things about teaching this course is grading the term projects, and this year was no exception.  In the table below are links to online material from 5 of the best of this year's typically excellent crop, primarily mpegs of solutions of time dependent PDEs in 1- or 2- spatial dimensions, or particle motion in 3 dimensions.

It is also interesting to note the profound impact that the still-inexorable advance of computing technology has had on this course.  Compare term projects from the Fall 1996 offering of Physics 329 at UT Austin, where the state of the art had Alan Chiang (who left physics for medicine, I believe, following the completion of his degree at UT) solving the 1-d  Schrodinger equation with a few interesting and illuminating potentials, and making some MPEGs, such as this one of tunneling, with software which, at that time, only ran on Silicon Graphics "workstations" that tended to cost $30,000 (US!) or more.

Now, as the table below makes manifest, the "bar" in this course is markedly higher, and top grades are reserved for those solving PDEs in two- or three-spatial dimensions as well as time.  The numerical methods haven't changed.  Students haven't gotten (much) smarter. The physics is the same.  But, even with only a single processor and, more importantly, with the appropriate visualization tools, the numerical analysis of 2+1 PDEs is now within the reach of an "average" undergraduate research student in Physics & Astronomy/Astrophsyics (a.k.a "rookie"). Such was NOT the case back in 1995.

Matthew W Choptuik, UBC, 2006-05-04 1200

Highlighted Animation
Jianyang He 1- and 2-D TODA Lattices
Friedrich Kirchner 1- and 2-D Schrodinger Equation
Ingrid Koslow 1- and 2-D Schrodinger Equation
Andres Ruberg Toomre Model
Geoff Topping 2-D Incompressible Non-viscous Navier-Stokes flow

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