# Default .cshrc for PHY329, Fall 1998 # Enable file-completion set filec # Be careful with output-redirection set noclobber # Add some dirs. containing executables to the search path setenv HOMEMWC ~matt set path=($HOME/bin $HOMEMWC/scripts /usr/local/bin $path) # Define the default printer (two-sided queue on Center # for Relativity HP LaserJet in room 9.301 setenv PRINTER lp2 # Define the default editor (vi, emacs, pico) setenv EDITOR vi # Remember last 100 commands set history = 100 # For communication with 'make' setenv F77 'f77' setenv F77PP 'touch' setenv F77FLAGS '-g -n32' setenv F77CFLAGS '-c' setenv F77LFLAGS '-L/usr/localn32/lib -n32' # The following commands (within the scope of the 'if'), are # executed only for interactive shells. if ( (! $?ENVONLY) && $?prompt ) then # set the prompt to show the host name and event number. set prompt="`hostname` \!> " # Define some aliases (see '~/.aliases' for actual definitions) source ~/.aliases # Tell LaTeX and TeX where to find input files: setenv TEXINPUTS ":/usr/local/tex/inputs/:." setenv XENVIRONMENT $HOME/.Xdefaults.mine endif