c=========================================================== c Performs red-black GS relaxation sweep of 2d model c problem and returns norm of running ('instantaneous') c residuals. c=========================================================== double precision function relaxc2(u,rhs,nx,ny,h) implicit none include 'mgprob.inc' integer nx, ny real*8 u(nx,ny), rhs(nx,ny) real*8 h real*8 hm2, m4hm2, rresl integer i, j, & isw, jsw, pass relaxc2 = 0.0d0 hm2 = 1.0d0 / (h * h) m4hm2 = -4.0d0 * hm2 jsw = 1 do pass = 1 , 2 isw = jsw do j = 2 , ny - 1 do i = isw + 1 , nx - 1, 2 rresl = hm2 * (u(i+1,j) + u(i-1,j) + & u(i,j+1) + u(i,j-1) - & 4.0d0 * u(i,j)) + & sigma * u(i,j)**2 - & rhs(i,j) u(i,j) = u(i,j) - rresl / & (m4hm2 + 2.0d0 * sigma * u(i,j)) relaxc2 = relaxc2 + rresl * rresl end do isw = 3 - isw end do jsw = 3 - jsw end do relaxc2 = sqrt(relaxc2 / (nx * ny)) return end c=========================================================== c Computes c h h c lopu := L u c=========================================================== subroutine lop(lopu,u,nx,ny,h) implicit none include 'mgprob.inc' integer nx, ny real*8 lopu(nx,ny), u(nx,ny) real*8 h integer i, j real*8 hm2 hm2 = 1.0d0 / (h * h) do j = 2 , ny - 1 do i = 2 , nx - 1 lopu(i,j) = hm2 * (u(i+1,j) + u(i-1,j) + & u(i,j+1) + u(i,j-1) - & 4.0d0*u(i,j)) + & sigma * u(i,j)**2 end do end do call dmlbs(lopu,0.0d0,nx,ny) return end c=========================================================== c 2--D half-weighted 2:1 restriction with injection c of border values. c=========================================================== subroutine dmrshw(uf,uc,nxc,nyc) implicit none integer nxc, nyc real*8 uf(2 * nxc - 1, 2 * nyc - 1), & uc(nxc,nyc) integer ic, jc, if, jf do jc = 2 , nyc - 1 jf = 2 * jc - 1 do ic = 2 , nxc - 1 if = 2 * ic - 1 uc(ic,jc) = 0.5d0 * (uf(if,jf) + 0.25d0 * & (uf(if+1,jf) + uf(if-1,jf) + & uf(if,jf+1) + uf(if,jf-1))) end do end do do ic = 1 , nxc uc(ic,1 ) = uf(2 * ic - 1,1 ) uc(ic,nyc) = uf(2 * ic - 1,2 * nyc - 1) end do do jc = 1 , nyc uc(1 ,jc) = uf(1, 2 * jc - 1) uc(nxc,jc) = uf(2 * nxc - 1,2 * jc - 1) end do return end c=========================================================== c 2 : 1 linear interpolation of coarse 2--function 'uc' c to fine function 'uf' (prolongation operator). c=========================================================== subroutine dmlint(uc,uf,nxc,nyc) implicit none integer nxc, nyc real*8 uc(nxc,nyc), & uf(2 * nxc - 1,2 * nyc - 1) integer nxf, nyf integer ic, jc, if, jf nxf = 2 * nxc - 1 nyf = 2 * nyc - 1 do jc = 1 , nyc jf = 2 * jc - 1 do ic = 1 , nxc uf(2 * ic - 1,jf) = uc(ic,jc) end do end do do jf = 1 , nyf , 2 do if = 2 , nxf - 1 , 2 uf(if,jf) = 0.5d0 * (uf(if+1,jf) + uf(if-1,jf)) end do end do do jf = 2 , nyf - 1 , 2 do if = 1 , nxf uf(if,jf) = 0.5d0 * (uf(if,jf+1) + uf(if,jf-1)) end do end do return end c=========================================================== c Calculates exact solution: c c u(x,y) = sin(l_x pi x) sin(l_y pi y) c=========================================================== subroutine clcu2(u,h,nx,ny) implicit none include 'mgprob.inc' integer nx, ny real*8 u(nx,ny) real*8 h integer i, j do j = 1 , ny do i = 1 , nx u(i,j) = sin(pi * lx * (i - 1) * h) * & sin(pi * ly * (j - 1) * h) end do end do call dmlbs(u,0.0d0,nx,ny) return end c=========================================================== c Calculates right hand side corresponding to above c exact solution. c=========================================================== subroutine clcrhs2(rhs,h,nx,ny) implicit none include 'mgprob.inc' integer nx, ny real*8 rhs(nx,ny) real*8 h real*8 uij integer i, j do j = 1 , ny do i = 1 , nx uij = & sin(pi * lx * (i - 1) * h) * & sin(pi * ly * (j - 1) * h) rhs(i,j) = (-pi**2 * (lx**2 + ly**2) + & sigma * uij) * uij end do end do call dmlbs(rhs,0.0d0,nx,ny) return end c=========================================================== c Initializes grid structure. c=========================================================== subroutine gsinit(lev) implicit none include 'mg.inc' integer qalloc integer lev integer l, size c----------------------------------------------------------- c For each level. c----------------------------------------------------------- do l = 1 , lev c----------------------------------------------------------- c Define mesh dimensions and spacing. c----------------------------------------------------------- if( l .eq. 1 ) then nx(1) = 3 ny(1) = 3 h(1) = 0.5d0 else h(l) = 0.5d0 * h(l-1) nx(l) = 2 * nx(l-1) - 1 ny(l) = 2 * ny(l-1) - 1 end if c----------------------------------------------------------- c "Allocate" storage for level-l unknown 'u', c right-hand-side 'rhs', relative local truncation c error estimate 'tau', and three temporary c arrays 't1', 't2' and 't3'. c----------------------------------------------------------- size = nx(l) * ny(l) u(l) = qalloc(size) rhs(l) = qalloc(size) tau(l) = qalloc(size) t1(l) = qalloc(size) t2(l) = qalloc(size) t3(l) = qalloc(size) end do return end c=========================================================== c "Memory allocation" routine. c c 'qalloc' returns the current "pointer" (index) into c the main storage array 'q' and increments the pointer c by size, effectively "allocating" a block of that c size. If memory is exhausted, the routine prints c an error message and EXITS. c=========================================================== integer function qalloc(size) implicit none include 'mg.inc' integer size logical first data first / .true. / save if( first ) then qptr = 1 first = .false. end if qalloc = qptr if( qptr + size .gt. qsize ) then write(0,1000) size, qsize 1000 format(' qalloc: Could not allocate block of ', & 'size ',i8,' Total size: ',i8) stop end if qptr = qptr + size return end c=========================================================== c Loads "border" of 2-D array with scalar. c=========================================================== subroutine dmlbs(a,s,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a(d1,d2) real*8 s integer i1, i2 do i2 = 1 , d2 a(1, i2) = s a(d1,i2) = s end do do i1 = 1 , d1 a(i1,1) = s a(i1,d2) = s end do return end c=========================================================== c Load 2-D array with scalar. c=========================================================== subroutine dmls(a,s,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a(d1,d2) real*8 s integer i, j do j = 1 , d2 do i = 1 , d1 a(i,j) = s end do end do return end c=========================================================== c Matrix-matrix add. c=========================================================== subroutine dmma(a1,a2,a3,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a1(d1,d2), a2(d1,d2), a3(d1,d2) integer i, j do j = 1 , d2 do i = 1 , d1 a3(i,j) = a1(i,j) + a2(i,j) end do end do return end c=========================================================== c Matrix-matrix subtract. c=========================================================== subroutine dmms(a1,a2,a3,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a1(d1,d2), a2(d1,d2), a3(d1,d2) integer i, j do j = 1 , d2 do i = 1 , d1 a3(i,j) = a1(i,j) - a2(i,j) end do end do return end c=========================================================== c Matrix-matrix copy. c=========================================================== subroutine dmcopy(a1,a2,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a1(d1,d2), a2(d1,d2) integer i, j do j = 1 , d2 do i = 1 , d1 a2(i,j) = a1(i,j) end do end do return end c=========================================================== c Matrix l2-norm. c=========================================================== double precision function dmnrm2(a,d1,d2) implicit none integer d1, d2 real*8 a(d1,d2) integer i, j dmnrm2 = 0.0d0 do j = 1 , d2 do i = 1 , d1 dmnrm2 = dmnrm2 + a(i,j) * a(i,j) end do end do dmnrm2 = sqrt(dmnrm2 / (d1 * d2)) return end c=========================================================== c Residual tracing routine. Generates cheesy "2-d" c display. c=========================================================== subroutine trace(l,string,resnrm) implicit none character*(*) string integer l real*8 resnrm integer indent parameter ( indent = 2 ) character*128 spaces data spaces / ' ' / write(0,1000) spaces(1:1 + (l-1) * indent), & l, string, resnrm 1000 format(a,'Level ',i2,' ',a', sweep ', & t50,1p,e8.2) return end c=========================================================== c 'gft' output routine. c c This routine uses 'gft_write_bbox': bbox = bounding c box which specifies the limits of the grid function's c domain. c c bbox := ( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ) c c On the SGIs, specify the libraries c c -lbbhutil -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz c c (in that precise order) at load-time when using c 'gft_write_bbox' or any other routines from the c 'bbhutil' library. c=========================================================== subroutine gft_out(l) implicit none include 'mg.inc' include 'mgprob.inc' integer l logical first real*8 bbox(4), time integer shape(2) data first / .true. / save if( .not. gft_trace ) return if( first ) then time = 0.0d0 bbox(1) = 0.0d0 bbox(2) = 1.0d0 bbox(3) = 0.0d0 bbox(4) = 1.0d0 first = .false. else time = time + 1.0d0 end if shape(1) = nx(l) shape(2) = nx(l) call gft_write_bbox('u',time,shape,2,bbox,q(u(l))) return end