Physics 410 Tutorial 4 - The Van der Pol Oscillator

Table of Contents


1 Solution from previous tutorial

What is happening to the pendulum as the critical point is approached?

By giving it just the right initial "kick" (value of \(\omega_0\)), we can make the pendulum swing around to \(\theta=\pi\) radians (or \(180^\circ\)) where it "balances" in an inverted position relative to the equilibrium position where \(\theta=0\). This is in fact another equilibrium position but of course it is unstable. If the pendulum is perturbed even the slightest amount when it is in that position it will start to swing back towards \(\theta=0\). Nonetheless, it is quite remarkable we can investigate such an exquisitely sensitive phenomenon with such a simple simulation. You may have noticed that as you tuned to \(\omega_0 = \omega_0^\star\) the plots of \(\theta(t)\) developed regions where the curve was flatter and flatter for longer and longer periods of time. This is the pendulum "lingering" very near the unstable equilibrium for longer and longer. If we were able to tune infinitely closely to \(\omega_0^\star\), which we can't do because the arithmetic in MATLAB is finite precision, we could in principle make the pendulum balance in the inverted position for an infinite amount of time.

1.1 Convergence of \(\omega_0^\star\)

You were asked to investigate the dependence of the critical value of the initial angular speed of the pendulum, \(\omega_0^\star\), as a function of the discrete time spacing, \(\Delta t\).

Recall that you did the search in the last tutorial with level = 7, which means that there were 65 time steps in the simulation. I asked you to repeat the search for level = 8 and level = 9 and I have done that, as well as level = 10, with the following results:

level        omega0*        d(omega0*)     4^(level - 7) d(omega0*)

 7      1.98348777361164   0.0124290              0.0123
 8      1.99591675541708   0.0030651              0.0123
 9      1.99898186533854   7.63766e-04            0.0122
10      1.99974563183654      

where d(omega0*) = omega0*(level+1) - omega0*(level)

There are two things that are apparent from this table

  1. \(\omega_0^\star\) is converging to some value, and, at the same rate, namely \(O(\Delta t^2)\), as the fundamental dependent variable in the simulation, \(\theta(t^n)\).

    Especially given how sensitive the simulation is to changes in the initial conditions as \(\omega_0 \to \omega_0^\star\) this is truly remarkable.

  2. It seems natural to conjecture that the continuum ("exact") value of \(\omega_0^\star\) is exactly 2.

1.2 Understanding the value of \(\omega_0^\star\)

First, observe that one can show that the various energy quantities associated with the pendulum are

\[ T = \frac{\omega^2}{2} \]

\[ V = 1 - \cos(\theta) \]

\[ E = T + V \]

for the kinetic, potential and total energy, respectively, and where we recall that we are working in units in which \(m = g = L = 1\).

Thus for the critical case, where we give the pendulum the precise initial kick needed for it to swing around by an angle \(\pi\) and stop there (in principle, forever, even though it is an unstable equilibrium), we have

\[ E_{\rm initial} = T_{\rm initial} + V_{\rm initial} = \frac{(\omega_0^\star)^2}{2} + 0
= \frac{(\omega_0^\star)^2}{2} \] \[ E_{\rm final} = T_{\rm final} + V_{\rm final} = 0 + (1 - \cos(\pi)) = 2 \]

Now, since \(E_{\rm initial} = E_{\rm final}\) we have

\[ \frac{(\omega_0^\star)^2}{2} = 2 \] or \[ \omega_0^\star = 2 \]

This is a nice illustration of something that sometimes happens in computational science: we tackle a problem which, for some reason or another, we aren't able to get much insight into through "traditional" pen and paper techniques. So we turn to simulation and from the results of the direct numerical calculations we find something "simple" that begs understanding in a more fundamental way. In this case, the appearance of the number 2 in the results is a clear signal that there is probably an "easier" way of getting that answer than through the detailed computations that we made.

2 The Van der Pol oscillator

In the 1920's Van der Pol experimented with oscillations in a vacuum tube triode circuit (an analogue electronic circuit), and found interesting behaviour that you will reproduce which is absent from a linear circuit. To model this phenomena he proposed a nonlinear ODE which is now known as the (unforced) Van der Pol equation:

\[ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} + a (x^2 - 1) \frac{dx}{dt} + x = 0 \]

where \( a \) is an adjustable parameter. Note that for \( a = 0 \) the above reduces to the equation for simple harmonic motion.

2.1 Solving the Van der Pol equation

Write a MATLAB script, called vdp.m that solves the above equation using the ode45 integrator. You will need to rewrite the equation in canonical first order form, and code a MATLAB function, say fcn_vdp.m, that evaluates the derivatives (right hand sides) of the resulting system of ODEs. Refer to the notes and online slides for the simple harmonic oscillator if any of this seems unfamiliar.

Your script should solve the equation on the domain \[ 0 \le t \le 50 \]

using absolute and relative tolerances both set to 1.0e-6. You can hardcode the parameter \( a \) to \( a = 5.0 \) in fcn_vdp.m. Choose initial data \[ x = 1.0 \] \[ \frac{dx}{dt} = 4.0 \] Your script should also make plots of the displacement, \( x(t) \), and the phase space evolution, \( dx(t)/dt \) vs \( x(t) \).

When you think you have computed a good solution, ask the instructor to inspect it before you move on.

2.2 Investigating the dependence on initial conditions

Use vdp.m as the basis for another script vdp3.m that integrates the Van der Pol equation with \( a = 5.0 \) and for the 3 sets of initial conditions \( [x,dx/dt] \) given by \[ [2, -6] \] \[ [-1, 3] \] \[ [-3, -8] \] Make a single phase space plot that shows the evolution of the 3 sets of initial data.

What can you say about the behaviour of the oscillator with respect to the initial conditions?

2.3 Independent residual evaluation

Create one more script file, vdp_ir.m that integrates the Van der Pol equation for \( a = 2 \) (you may have to modify vdp_fcn.m) and with 1025 output times uniformly distributed from 0 to 50. Then compute and plot three levels of independent residuals, both scaled and unscaled. Use \( O(\Delta t^2) \) finite difference approximations to compute the independent residuals.

Do the residuals behave as you expect?

Again, refer to the notes and online slides if necessary, or ask for help.