Physics 210: Intro Computational Physics: Term Project Ideas

  • All term project topics must be approved by the instructor: talk to me, or send e-mail for approval, even if the term project appears in the "Specific Suggestions for Term Projects" below.
  • Topics must be chosen by October 17, and term project proposals will be presented on October 22 and 24.
  • Project writeups are due Monday, December 2, 11:59 PM. A hardcopy of your report must be delivered to the instructor by that time (i.e. no electronic submissions).


Italics denote traditional/popular topics

  • Simulation of the motion of N interacting particles in three dimensions using finite difference approximations (FDAs); a.k.a. "N-body problem"
    • Gravitational interactions (positive mass only)
      • General case; actual simulations may involve motion in single plane (2-D)
      • Special/restricted case: Toomre model of galaxy collisions
    • Electrostatic interactions (postive and negative charges)
      • Equilibrium configuration of N identical charges on the surface of a sphere
  • Cellular automata
    • Forest fires
    • Traffic simulations
      • Reference [PDF]
    • Models for fluid mechanics
  • Stochastic (random) processes
    • Diffusion limited aggregation (and possibly generalizations thereof)
    • Simple earthquake model
      • Reference [PDF | Page 415 PDF]
    • Monte Carlo integration, with application to some physical problem
    • Simulated annealing, with application to some physical problem
  • Neural Networks
    • Simulation of simple neural network, including training for specific task
      • Reference [PDF]
  • Non-linear dynamical systems
    • Simple models for chaos using continuous equations (ordinary differential equations (ODEs))
    • Simple models for chaos using discrete equations
    • Predator-prey models, and other biologically-motivated systems
  • Optics
    • Ray tracing through series of lenses, prisms, mirrors etc.
ADVANCED TOPICS (recommended only for those with significant programming experience)
  • Simulation of simple time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) using FDAs
    • One or two dimensional wave equations, possibly non-linear
    • One or two dimensional diffusion equations, possible non-linear
    • One dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation
      • Reference [PDF]
  • Solution of time-independent partial differential equations (PDEs) using FDAs
    • Two dimensional Laplace / Poisson equations
  • Genetic Algorithms
    • Implementation of a basic genetic algorithm and application to a test problem
  • Particle Physics
    • Simulation of basic features of a particle detector including event generation and event reconstruction
  • Pedagogy
    • Interactive demonstration of some physical process / phenomena that allows user to experiment with parameters, initial conditions etc.
Projects from a previous offering of PHYS 210 are available HERE, and may provide you with some ideas for your own projects.  Note, however, that my expectations for your project are somewhat different from the previous instructor's.  In particular, as described in the main course page, there should be a significant programming aspect to all projects (i.e. something that goes beyond the use of built-in facilities to perform the bulk of your calculations), and a full writeup must be included in all cases.

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